You must have observed a change in the behavior of your dog, and you think your dog is sad. Melena (dark blood) in a dog's stool can indicate serious health issues in your pet, and should be investigated further by a veterinarian. Depression isn’t typically diagnosed in dogs, but veterinarians and behaviorists know the signs of depressive behavior well. Could your dog be depressed? She also uses Clomicalm, an FDA approved drug for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. Suppose you’re in a training class and suddenly Buddy begins pacing, cowering, licking his lips or panting, drops his tail and quits responding to your cues. “But in clinical practice, there are a few situations where that is the only explanation.”. Learn more here on ways to cheer up your not-so-chipper dog. Maybe you’ve just moved, or you’ve brought home a new baby. Some problems that cause sudden lethargy are easily remedied at home. If your dog suddenly loses interest in playing, going for walks, and other things that … If there’s a sudden change, like the kids going to school or you taking extra shifts, you might notice that your dog seems sad all of a sudden. “Dogs are social animals and love to be with people,” says Carol Sumbry, a certified dog trainer and associate certified behavior consultant. Bonnie Beaver, DVM, executive director of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said veterinarians don’t really know if dogs suffer from depression the same way people do. Though most pets spend the rest of their hours playing, eating and walking, a lot of the time, they’re likely just sitting around. Then the whining starts. “Dogs are also being used to detect low blood sugar in diabetics, as well as cancer. There is no fixed reason for dogs’ depression, but these are the causes. Set a dog-friendly schedule for the whole family. Physical stimulation is important for a dog’s overall health, but Sumbry says your dog’s exercise routine must also sufficiently meet his or her emotional needs. They are very in tune with our emotions.”. The dog will think you’re rewarding them for that behavior. They can be sad, in pain or attempting to let you know that they’re feeling uncomfortable or want something. But the two most common triggers of severe dog depression are the loss of a companion animal or the loss of an owner. Then she wouldn’t go on walks. Dogs alter our behavior. Sometimes, if the dog is depressed because of the loss of a companion, getting another pet can help, said Ciribassi. Also, dogs may howl at times, which is just another form of “crying”. As in people, there are many reasons why a dog becomes depressed. But when Pumba died in 2007, nothing could bring Terrace out of her funk. Jodie Richers, owner of Terrace; founder of Dogs on Death Row in honor of her dog, Pumba. It’s more important to let your dog take her time and enjoy the surroundings, she says, even if that means you just do one block over 20 or 30 minutes. When Jodie Richers’ dog, Bada, died in 2002, her two other dogs, Terrace and Pumba, went through a mourning period. That’s why it’s important to spend quality time with your dog when you can, and that can take many different forms, including physical activity, mental stimulation, brushing, petting, or any other number of activities. Morning habits. I would come through the … But most cases can be successfully treated early on with behavior modification and environmental enrichment, so it doesn’t have to get to the point where we need to use drugs.”. Sometimes, if the dog is depressed because of the loss of a companion, getting another pet can help, said Ciribassi. Now she’s the happiest dog ever.”. "Change" doesn't have to be big and dramatic. But because we can’t ask dogs why they’re behaving this way, it’s important to pay attention to the context around this behavior and know the common causes. There are several reasons your dog wants to be alone. All dogs bond with their owners. The average dog sleeps upwards of 10 hours per day, while most cats clock a solid 12 hours of shut-eye, meaning that in a given day, there’s a 50-50 chance your pet is sleeping whenever you see them. “Dogs who are corrected for unwanted behavior may soon stop offering behaviors at all in order to avoid punishment,” she says. Dog depression symptoms are very similar to those in people, said John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. Why Your Dog Seems Sad and Depressed All of a Sudden Just like humans, dogs react to their environment. And be careful not to encourage the negative behavior by lavishing a depressed dog with attention and treats while they are moping, Beaver said. Author of the article: Sondra Gotlieb. “Many are left alone long hours without access to human contact, access to bathroom facilities, or an outlet for their energy or natural instincts.”. So why is it so sad when dogs ... and it may be part of the reason why we are willing to spend large amounts of time and resources on our domestic … “We can’t fool our dogs. “Dogs pick up on our emotions, so if the owner has died, the dog could be responding to the grief of others,” Beaver said. But vets warn those symptoms also can mean a dog has a medical problem, so the first course of action should always be a full checkup by a veterinarian. “Keep them engaged, do more of the things they like to do, get them a little more exercise, and they should be fine,” he said. There’s a reason why dogs are often saddest in the morning before you leave for work and happiest when you walk in the door after—they want to be around you. Depression is something that can affect dogs as easily as pet parents, and for many of the same reasons. And reward them when they show signs of happiness, Beaver said. by Heather Barnett. Then she stopped eating. 13 Outdoor Decorations to … According to Dr. Raymond Van Lienden, DVM, a veterinarian at The Animal Clinic of Clifton, Va., change is almost always the cause of canine depression. And be careful the dog isn’t simply responding to the reactions of other people in the home. Withdrawing, not eating, lethargy—in addition to being indicative of depressive behavior—may also be symptoms of medical problems. Morning walks keep your dog in shape and reduce your dog’s energy surplus, hence: walk your dog every morning. “It’s important that people deal with the problem before it gets too bad,” Sueda said. This, Sumbry says, can lead to depressive behavior, but for many owners, there’s not much they can do about their job schedules. Karen Sueda, DVM, a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said medications for depressed dogs are the same as those used by depressed humans -- Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft. Learn about symptoms and treatments for dog depression. A dog may also become lethargic due to reasons other than physical problems. … By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. “A fenced-in yard can’t replace a regular walk with new smells and sights and sounds,” she says. Yes, say experts. Lowers Heart Disease Risk. Other Reasons that Can Make a Dog Lethargic. “Dogs will become withdrawn. But what must be the reason for the dog's sadness? A Dog's Purpose tells the tale of one dog's very long and exciting life (or lives) from the perspective of the dog itself, and it was based off of a book of the same name by W. Bruce Cameron. There’s a reason why dogs are often saddest in the morning before you leave for work and happiest when you walk in the door after—they want to be around you. But Bowers says when a dog begins to behave in a depressive way, he or she might stop doing some things they enjoy, but not others. Since dogs are pack animals, they are social creatures. Beaver said major changes in a dog’s life could lead to periods of depression. In some cases, sadness may be one of the only symptoms of an underlying condition, so you should always try to figure out why your dog is acting sad. Black dogs don’t get adopted and the reasons why are sad. Don’t force them to do something they don’t want to do, even if it previously excited them. Seasonal affective disorder in dogs, also referred to as SAD, is a specific type of depression that is linked to the change in seasons. For example: Depression: A depressed dog is a lethargic dog! Yet, because they can’t come to us and expressly tell us that they’re sad it makes it harder for us to know when they’re depressed and what we should do when they are. But it has to be done carefully with both the family’s and the dog’s needs taken into account, he said. This behavior may seem odd since dogs are pack animals, but it can be explained. But some pets form such a tight bond that they … They'll greet you like you've been gone a century when you only went out for a five-minute trip to the … When it's accompanied by other noticeable symptoms, or lasts longer than a day or two, it's best to visit a veterinarian for advice. John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior; founder of Chicagoland Veterinary Behavior Consultants near Chicago. Plan a dog-friendly schedule for the whole family. These include: Illness. Beaver said although it’s not uncommon for pets to get down, especially during periods of change, it’s rare for dogs to suffer from long-term depression. It could be a sudden change in daily … “In studies, dogs no longer tried to escape shocks if they had been conditioned to believe they couldn’t escape.”. All rights reserved. Depression in dogs can be caused by a change in the dog’s environment or chemical imbalance (same as clinical depression in people). Beaver said it can take up to two months for drugs to become effective. The most common explanations include injury, illness, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Sumbry lists arthritis, thyroid issues, and dental problems as common issues that should be discussed with a veterinary professional if your dog is behaving in a way you might describe as depressed. It may be hard to imagine that your cheerful, tail-wagging companion could ever get the blues, but the fact is that dogs are capable of suffering from depression in much the same way that humans do. They certainly can tune into people and our subtle changes in body language and emotion, so they can be impacted by a family member’s depression,” she says. “Or the dog may not be getting the attention he’s accustomed to, which is stressing him out.”. If the time you are able spend with your dog doesn’t seem sufficient, consider hiring a dog walker or asking a friend to stop by while you are gone. That might make matters worse. Keep in mind that there are also physiological reasons for your dog to chomp at her paws too, including bacterial infections, eczema, joint pain and dry skin. Dogs can experience and expression depression in all the same ways that people do but they tend to do it for their own doggy reasons. Kathi O'Malley, an associate certified dog behavior consultant, says this is one of the most common reasons for depressive behavior in dogs. “She just got worse and worse,” Richers said. Just to see Austin’s face again was moving and sad and weird and lovely all wrapped up into one unexpected REM cycle. Six reasons why dogs are a bad idea. She spent all her time hiding in a closet or behind a big mirror in my bedroom.” Richers’ vet diagnosed the fluffy, 35-pound mixed breed with dog depression. Publishing date: Mar 24, 2012 • • 4 minute read. 6 Reasons for Melena in a Dog’s Stool. There might be some very good reasons why an otherwise happy pooch might sometimes seem like a droopy dog. As for the loss of a human family member, Sumbry says research has shown that a dog’s bond with her owners is similar to a baby’s bond with her parents. “If you can then rule out a medical problem, you can start focusing on your and your dog’s lifestyle to find ways to make her feel better,” Sumbry says. Their feelings can range from happiness to sadness and more. “Dogs trained with rewards are often more confident and attentive to their owners than those who are punished,” she says. Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Slideshow: Dog Behavioral Problems -- Barking, Chewing, and More, The Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan Talks Canines, Kids, and Finding Balance. Here are some common causes: Changes in Environment. It turns out our pet pooches have evolved human-like eyebrow muscles, which let them make the sad faces that melt our hearts, according to a new study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Here are six reasons why your dog might be acting depressed. Most dogs bounce back from depression within a few days to a few months with just a little extra TLC, said Ciribassi. If the answer is yes, you should find ways to dig into the reasons why your dog is sad and lessen your dog’s sad feeling. The way you train your dog may lead to depressive behavior, Bowers says. As humans are capable of displaying different ranges of emotions, so are dogs. It was still there, and I held the cold metal bone in my fingers for a while. Instead of punishing for “poor” or “negative” behavior, Bowers recommends rewarding for good behavior. Causes of Depression in Dogs. Separation Anxiety. Owning a pet also is linked to a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk … The dog is usually mopey, has no pep, and sleeps most of the time. But unlike people, who often remain on antidepressants for years, most dogs can get better in six to 12 months and then be taken off the drugs, she said. Instead it was a friendly rescue dog she agreed to foster for a week. Of course, it’s very important to be able to differentiate a simple case of sad eyes from a pet who actually might be in pain and have a medical problem. A decreased appetite in dogs is often a sign of sickness, especially if your dog is exhibiting other symptoms at the same time. In the case of losing another pet in the house, O’Malley says some respond well to the addition of a new pet, while others will remain depressive, wanting only the company of the one who’s gone. There are many reasons why dogs suddenly act lethargic. Medications for Dog Depression. Their eating and sleeping habits often change. “At first she just shook. The number one reason dogs whine is because of stress. “This occurs when people or animals feel helpless to avoid negative situations,” she says. Of course, it’s very important to be able to differentiate a simple case of sad eyes from a pet who actually might be in pain and have a medical problem. Reasons your dog won’t eat. The unconditional love dogs show their owners is a constant source of joy. Separation anxiety isn’t the only reason for dogs whining. However, if your dog is licking at his paws and exhibiting other signs on this list, it may be due to depression. She says owners should latch on to the behaviors they still show interest in. “It’s hard to know because we can’t ask them,” said Beaver, who also is a veterinary specialist in animal behavior at the small animal clinic at Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine. Vets have been sharing the sad reality of what occurs when they have to put an animal down, revealing that many owners choose not to be in the room when their pet passes away. Just like in people, there are a variety of reasons dogs might refuse to eat. “We were all sad, but we got through it,” said Richers, of Roswell, Ga. “We did lots of car rides and dog parks; all the things they enjoyed.”. Loss of Interest. Even dogs can get the blues. Out of the blue, your usually energetic pooch is withdrawn and listless. Those include moving into a new home, a new spouse or baby in the household, or adding another pet. They become inactive. And it’s reliable: Dog owners know they can walk through the door after a long day at work and have their pup shower them with kisses while she barks, cries, and jumps excitedly and almost uncontrollably. A pet that mopes around and no longer wants to go for walks could simply have pain from arthritis, Beaver says. Roswell, Ga. Bonnie Beaver, DVM, executive director, American College of Veterinary Behaviorists; veterinary specialist in animal behavior, small animal clinic at Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine, College Station, Texas. He’s telling you that he’s under too much stress and you need to change your training place or method. Heather Barnett pmc-editorial-manager. “Within a week, she was better. That dog-owner bond goes beyond loss, and Sumbry says one study has shown that dogs can tell whether we are happy or sad by our facial expressions. “Dogs are social animals and love to be with people,” says Carol Sumbry, a certified dog trainer and associate certified behavior consultant. Jane Bowers, a certified dog trainer and certified canine behavior consultant, says symptoms of depression in dogs include becoming withdrawn, no longer participating in things he or she used to like to do, becoming inactive, sleeping more, and being less interested in food. There’s nothing quite like that feeling, which makes the rare occasions when your dog reacts in a more subdued way—or doesn’t react at all—stand out so much. In most cases, symptoms of SAD start to develop in the fall and continue into the winter, which is why this condition is sometimes referred to as the “winter blues”. Karen Sueda, DVM, diplomat, American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and president elect of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior; founder of the behavior service at VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital, Los Angeles. Sumbry says a good baseline for exercise is a total of five miles of walking per week, but that varies from dog to dog depending on his or her age and energy level. They don’t participate in the things they once enjoyed.”. “If the only thing that still gets a little tail wag out of your dog is a car ride, then take him for a series of short rides each day, praising and rewarding him when he appears happier,” Beaver said. Here’s a typical scenario back when we had dogs. In fact, many experts believe that howling is a … This animal companion could be another dog, your friend’s dog, for instance, or any other animal that your dog shares the previous history with. In the end it wasn’t the car rides or dog parks or even the antidepressants Richer tried to help her dog, Terrace. Sumbry adds that using things like shock collars or other extreme forms of punishment may lead to a state of mind known as learned helplessness that can be associated with depression. Yet sudden lethargy also can indicate a life-threatening emergency. “By the time cases get to me, they’re bad. He’s reached his stress threshold. I woke up teary-eyed, feeling nostalgically pensive and approached the wooden box where I keep the real blue PetsMart dog tag in my bedroom. Here is what you should consider: 1. Other family members need to step up wherever possible to meet the dog’s physical and especially her emotional needs, in tragic situations like this. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Grief Over The Loss Of An Animal Companion Grief is the most triggering cause of depression among those fluffy creatures. “Benji walked in, ran up the stairs, found Terrace behind the mirror and when I got up there he was lying next to her and licking her,” Richer said. Even a change in the dog’s schedule, for instance a stay-at-home owner who takes a job, can cause a dog to get down. How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? Physical illness is considered as the first reason that can make your fun dog a depressed or sad dog. But it has to be done carefully with both the family’s and the dog’s needs taken into account, he said. Heather's Most Recent Stories. Unfortunately, it’s also probably the most difficult to deal with because the source of the behavior is irreplaceable. If nothing else works, medications can help dogs get past their depression. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother with a dog. There might be some very good reasons why an otherwise happy pooch might sometimes seem like a droopy dog. If nothing else works, medications can help dogs get past their depression. Sadness is usually not serious unless your dog is sad because of an illness or injury. Then she stopped drinking. 10 Weird Cat Behaviors That Could Be Signs of a Sick Cat, 7 Ways Cat Lovers Can Celebrate International Cat Day. Ever wondered how dogs learned to use their “puppy eyes” to bend us to their will? And, depression in dogs isn’t so different from depression in people. T replace a regular walk with new smells and sights and sounds, she! Are many reasons why are sad drug for the dog isn’t simply responding to the behaviors they show... 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