Beginning in the early 20th century, a number of usage guides decided that there was something wrong with the way that some writers used comprise. Basically, the words comprise and compose are used in opposite situations. Comprise is a verb that’s currently undergoing a shift in usage. Comprise means “to be composed of” or “to contain.” Constitute means “to be one of the parts of” something. The sense "compose, constitute" — as in "the members comprise the team" — is sometimes considered incorrect. This post will help Compose is to make up a whole, and comprise is to contain parts. Compose is to make up a whole, and comprise is to contain parts. Comprise functions as a verb and it … This post will help you understand the meaning and uses of these words so you can use them properly. Synonyms If we hold comprise strictly to the definition of to include or to consist of, then comprised of sounds awkward: The pie is included of 8 pieces sounds nonsensical, and, by that rule, so too does The pie is comprised of 8 pieces. It means “to be made up of,” “compose, constitute,” or “to include especially within a particular scope.” Although compose and comprise can be synonyms, not all the uses of “compose” are interchangeable with “comprise”. As previously mentioned, the word comprises would be the correct term in a sentence structured like this one. Compose vs Comprise As comprise and compose fall under the category of words that have similar meanings but differ in the way they are to be used we should pay attention to understanding the difference between compose and comprise. The word compose means "to make up or combine." So, if you want to be completely sure that you’re using the verb comprise in a way that everyone will deem correct, use it to describe how a whole contains parts. Summary. The word comprise is derived from the Old French word compris, which means to … Comprise means "is made up of" or "consists of." Another important consideration related to how these words should be used is related to the phrases "is composed of" and "is comprised of.". The difference between 'comprise' and 'compose' is explained in the lesson Using Comprise vs Compose. As a noun consist is (rail transport) a lineup or sequence of railroad carriages or cars, with or without a locomotive, that form a unit. While not unrelated to each other, these words do not have the same meaning. Comprise is a verb that means "to contain." Terdiri adalah terdiri dari. Mood: How to Use Tone and Mood in Your Writing, Beware of These Common Consistency Issues in Writing, Happy New Year, New Year’s, or New Years? At this rate, it won’t be long before even pedants give up on the difference between “comprise” and “compose.” After all, “comprise” is frequently misused, particularly by people writing “comprised of” when they mean “composed of.”. "A team is comprised of its members." Comprise means to include. (correct). Compose versus Comprise Let’s compare these words side by side to see how they really work, using an example we’re all familiar with. (incorrect). Their slippery meanings and similar sounds have likely contributed to the rise of comprised of. As you can see compose has many more meanings than comprise. Incorrect: The rock is comprised of three minerals. 5 Writing "Rules" That Are Really Guidelines, Tone vs. Correct: The rock comprises three minerals. The first step in understanding the differences is to understand the definitions of comprise vs. compose. Poodles compose the dog class because the class comprises poodles.The parts compose the whole, and the whole comprises the parts.Confused? Comprise means "is made up of" or "consists of." Everybody else is! The class composes 16 boys and 12 girls. A mixture of eggs, flour, butter, milk, and sugar compose a cake. Comprise or Compose?. Comprise means “to include” or “to be composed of.”. A mixture of eggs, flour, butter, and milk comprise a cake. The word contains could correctly be substituted for comprises in this word grouping, while none of the definitions of compose would fit. Correct: The rock is composed of three minerals. "A team is comprised of its members." According to '' also state that it is an increasingly frequent and accepted usage. We venture again into ambiguous territory, this time to take a look at the words ‘comprise’ and ‘compose’. ("Open-ended", doesn't limit to the items listed; cf. The word “comprise” has fewer applications than “compose”. ‘Comprise’ is a term so commonly misused that even dedicated pedants have pretty much given up on correcting people these days. This will provide you with a foundation of what each word means on its own so you can use them correctly. The orchestra (comprises / composes ) brass, woodwind, percussion, and string instruments. Did You Know? ... comprise vs is comprised of comprise, compose, or are comprised of comprise, semicolons comprise/contain/has comprising or comprise Consist of /comprise/be comprised of consist of/comprise Compose of is only used in the passive voice: Muscle is … Comprise (verb) To include, contain, or be made up of, defining the minimum elements, whether essential or inessential, to define an invention. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Whether your writing is limited to school assignments, you have a job that requires writing or you engage in creative writing as a hobby or profession, the more you learn about how to choose the correct words, the better your writing will be. Incorrect: The rock is comprised of three minerals. It is used to state that something "is made up of" smaller parts. Both these terms deal with the concept of the whole versus the parts of something. The parts compose the whole. A total of 16 boys and 12 girls compose the class. I understand that you learned that the word “compose” goes from the parts to the whole: the parts compose the whole. If you stick to the guidelines below, you will be on safe ground. Compose versus Comprise Let’s compare these words side by side to see how they really work, using an example we’re all familiar with. A computer is composed of a motherboard, a processor, and some memory sticks. Correct: Three minerals compose the rock. Everybody else is! It does not make sense to say "is contained of," but it does make sense to say "is made up of. Comprise vs. Compose. See usage note below. Both these terms deal with the concept of the whole versus the parts of something. Word Choice: Comprise vs. Compose. Parts compose the whole, and the whole comprises the parts. Nevertheless, in academic writing it’s worth making the effort to get these things right. ("Open-ended", doesn't limit to the items listed; cf. Their meanings are similar, but in a sense, they are opposites in terms of how they are used. • To comprise means to contain. My ideal garden (comprises / composes) leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and okra. 12/30/2016 0 Comments It has come to my attention that there is some confusion regarding the use of the words Comprise and Compose. come before the whole (cake) in the sentence. Example: A year comprises of twelve months. Comprise "To comprise" means "to consist of" or "to be made up of." But that means the whole is composed of the parts. The whole comprises the parts. The whole, which in this case is the farm, must come earlier in the sentence than the parts, which are the cows, horses, sheep, and pigs. The sense meaning "to be made up of" was fine ("the compound comprises seven buildings"), but the one meaning "compose, constitute," which is most familiar in the passive voice, was found objectionable ("the compound is comprised of seven … A total of 16 boys and 12 girls comprise the class. AS terdiri dari 50 negara bagian (ditambah wilayah & lainnya). Let me try and keep it simple for you. If you find spelling to be more challenging that word selection, review some of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. Correct: Three minerals compose the rock. Comprise or Compose?. Compose means to make up a whole (it also means to create, but that's not the definition that troubles people). Comprise is a verb, related words are comprises, comprised, comprising. Comprise, compose and consist have come to my attention quite forcibly this week, as I keep coming across examples of them being used incorrectly. Comprise means "contain", as in The hotel comprises 150 rooms. The argument against this phrase is rooted in the definitions outlined above. The word “comprise” has fewer applications than “compose”. Since the word comprise means “to contain,” the option where the word’s definition could be substituted is the one that is right. Comprise is a verb that means “to be composed of.” This is the usage that everyone accepts as standard and correct: A whole (the computer, in the example above) comprises its parts (motherboard, processor, memory sticks). Or: Fifty states make up the USA. Going to parks, museums and caves (comprises / composes ) my perfect vacation. How to use comprise in a sentence. A computer comprises a motherboard, a processor, and some memory sticks. All Rights Reserved. Language commentators have spilled a lot of ink condemning the use of “comprised of,” but it appears that the construction is on its way to becoming standard. Many people misuse "comprise" where they mean "compose". Compose means to make up the constituent parts of. Compose, for the purposes of juxtapositioning it against comprise, means to make up. • In other words, you can say composed of but you cannot say comprised of. ". The Meaning of 'Compose' The fly in the ointment as far as the word “comprise” goes is the similar-sounding word “compose,” which means “to make up,” as in “Many ethnic groups compose our nation.” Notice in this sentence that the parts come before the whole. Compose is the correct word because the definition “make up” could correctly be substituted for compose. Comprise definition is - to be made up of. If you use compose in a sentence that should really contain the word comprise, then there is an error in the sentence. Make sure you understand the rationale. (incorrect). Comprise, in its simplest form, means “to contain.” For example, you could correctly say, "The farm comprises ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs." (correct). The class is the whole and the students are the parts. But, increasingly, the usage panels of major dictionaries are accepting the use of comprise for compose, especially in the passive voice. Example: The circle comprises … The situation is not helped by ongoing debate about how to use "comprise." 'Comprise' means 'to consist of' and is used to show smaller parts making up a whole. Comprise versus compose in a sentence. December 20, 2016 - The words comprise and compose are two of the most commonly misused terms in the English language. Keseluruhan terdiri dari semua bagiannya. Comprise vs. Compose. My ideal date (comprises / composes ) a gourmet meal and a moonlit walk on the beach. Fifty states compose the USA. Both these terms deal with the concept of the whole versus the parts of something. The United States of America comprises fifty states. Consider the definitions of the words comprise and compose, two words that are commonly confused with one another. Correct: The rock is composed of three minerals. You could say that the parts constitute the whole and the whole comprises the parts. For example, some experts consider it correct to say "The farm is comprised of ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs." In the correct answer, you could substitute the word contains for comprises and the sentence would still be correct. While this word is similar to the word comprise, it has this distinct meaning. Comprise means to consist of or to be composed of. Or, rather, comprise being used incorrectly. It also means to write or create. They turn the meaning of "comprise" inside-out by improperly using the passive voice, thus: "A deck is comprised of 52 cards." Think about parts versus the whole When you use comprise, you put the whole first. Some even avoid using them to avoid commiting mistakes. Review the following statements that indicate correct and incorrect usage of the word comprise. A computer is comprised of a motherboard, a processor, and some memory sticks. The group that is composed of 28 million business owners is a major voting block in the upcoming election. More about "Comprise" and "Compose" There is often confusion over "comprise" and "compose." If you stick to the guidelines below, you will be on safe ground. Still, there are plenty of people out there who don’t accept it yet. Compose is a verb that means "to combine,” “to put something in order,” or “to make up." Comprise and compose are two such words. The words comprise and compose are two of the most commonly misused terms in the English language. The other indicator that compose is the right word to use in this context is the fact that the part (16 boys and 12 girls) comes before the whole (the class). The situation is not helped by ongoing debate about how to use "comprise." ", However, the phrase "is comprised of" is often used and is growing in popularity with grammar experts. Comprise (verb) To include, contain, or be made up of, defining the minimum elements, whether essential or inessential, to define an invention. Comprise vs Compose. But it’s not hard to find a verb that works better than comprise in this case. However in the simplest terms comprise speaks to the individual parts that it take to make something. When 'compose' is used, the larger whole is the subject. How to Wish Someone Well in 2021, If you want to be completely safe from criticism, you should use. (incorrect). • Comprise and compose basically have the same meaning. Spend some time learning how to choose between other words that are often confused, such as further vs. farther. Comprise is often misused for compose. Comprise means to include. The word comprise means "contain" or "consist of." and "The class is comprised of 16 boys and 12 girls. As verbs the difference between comprise and compose is that comprise is to be made up of; to consist of (especially a comprehensive list of parts) while compose is to make something by merging parts. To comprise means to contain. This is a good example of how language is always evolving. Choose the correct word for each example below. Compose means to make up a whole (it also means to create, but that's not the definition that troubles people). Word Choice: Comprise vs. Compose. Poodles compose the dog class because the class comprises poodles.The parts compose the whole, and the whole comprises the parts.Confused? The English language changes over time, and words that originally meant different things morph and their separate meanings are less understood over time. It's more formal that consist. The phrase “make up,” which is a definition of compose, could be substituted for the word compose in the sentence. To compose is to make up, in the sense that twelve eggs make up a dozen. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. comprise vs. compose Correct: The rock comprises three minerals. It’s common for speakers to say that a basketball team “is comprised of five players” instead of “is composed of five players.”. All Free. Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and true/false questions (compose / comprise) the final exam. Mention the parts first, then … Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Some even avoid using them to avoid commiting mistakes. If you are … If you are confused, just say, … Mastering that skill requires understanding proper word usage and developing the ability to recognize improper usage. Compose of is even more formal than consist of and comprise. According to the traditional rule, the whole comprises the parts. In other words, the hotel has or contains 150 rooms for guests. For compose to be the correct choice, the whole (class) would have to come after the part (16 boys and 12 girls). The word is used near the beginning of a sentence. If you’re a writer who takes pride in precise and correct use of language, or if you need to be absolutely sure no one will object to the way you use comprise, here’s what you need to know. Comprise vs. Compose. As verbs the difference between consist and compose is that consist is (obsolete|intransitive) to exist, to be while compose is to make something by merging parts. See usage note below. If, however, you want to be certain that no one will wonder if you might be misusing a word, it’s best to avoid using “is comprised of,” at least until such time that it becomes universally accepted. Fifty states compose The United States of America. A basketball team comprises five players. Comprise, but not compose, can be used with the parts that make up something as the subject: Oil and coal comprise 70% of the nation’s exports. Some people for whom English is a second language remain terrified with these two words, comprise and compose. A mother, a father, & their offspring compose a typical nuclear family. To determine when you should use comprise or compose, consider each of the following two options: 1. Synonyms Review the following statements that indicate correct and incorrect usage of the word compose. When you think about it, it makes sense. If you are sick and tired of struggling to figure out the difference between comprise and compose, then you have come to the right place. The parts (eggs, flour, butter, etc.) Some even avoid using them to avoid commiting mistakes. Comprise (verb) To compose, to constitute. comprise - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. The words comprise and compose are two of the most commonly misused terms in the English language. These two words, compose vs. comprise, have very subtle differences, so you should use them with care. Don’t peek ahead at the answers until after you’ve attempted all of the items yourself. The incorrect option listed in the comprise usage section illustrates situations where compose would be the correct word to choose. When you use "comprise", you’re talking about all the parts that make up something whole. Careful writers will maintain this distinction. The smaller parts are the subject of the sentence, or the things doing the action. The verb compose is a good candidate because it tells us that the parts join to create a whole. The parts compose the whole.. If you are using the word comprise, the whole must come first. The whole comprises the parts.. Compose means "make up" or "make." The class comprises 16 boys and 12 girls. Now that you know the definition of the word comprise, the next step is to make sure you’re clear on how to use it properly. It would be incorrect if you said "Ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs comprise the farm." It's more formal that consist. Semua bagian bersama-sama menyusun keseluruhan. Therefore, in order for comprise to be used, the whole (the class) needs to appear earlier in the sentence than the students, which are the parts. One was composed of three rotaxanes whose rings were connected to form a larger platform that could rise 0.7 billionths of a meter: a molecular elevator. This is just like saying, "The farm contains ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs.". Fifty states compose The United States of America. Comprise means to consist of, to make up a whole. This is not the case with the incorrect answer. • Though of follows compose generally as a rule of does not follow comprise. Or: Fifty states constitute the USA. Now that you’re clear on how to properly use comprise, the next step is to learn when to use the word compose. "The members comprise the team." You can use the phrase “is composed of,” but you cannot use the phrase “is comprised of.”. Comprise "To comprise" means "to consist of" or "to be made up of." If the whole item is mentioned first, comprise is the correct word to use. Selusin telur terdiri dari 12 telur. Comprise vs. Compose. Data management comprises many more specialized areas of study. Comprise is synonymous with with include, contain, consist of, encompass, and be made up of. (correct). Look at the following sentence: Use of comprised of has become so widespread and common that it’s gained some level of acceptance. It means “to be made up of,” “compose, constitute,” or “to include especially within a particular scope.” Although compose and comprise can be synonyms, not all the uses of “compose” are interchangeable with “comprise”. "The members comprise the team." When one speaks of what an object or idea is comprised of, that thing is already made. The parts compose the whole.. Comprise (verb) To compose, to constitute. 'Comprise' and 'compose' sound similar and are both verbs or action words, but have different meanings. Very often, writers and speakers use comprise to describe things the other way around. Select the correct word for each of the following statements. To say it the other way around, how parts come together to create a whole, use the verb compose. For Grammar Girl, Bonnie Trenga explains how to use comprise properly. Example: The house comprises ten rooms and three baths. Many grammar guides actually suggest that the phrase "is comprised of" is always incorrect. It is incorrect to use compose and comprise interchangeably. There is often confusion over "comprise" and "compose." The United States of America comprises fifty states. Proper word usage is critical in writing. The similar-sounding word compose means "make up" as in Many ethnic groups compose our nation. The miniseries will comprise three hour-long episodes. The USA comprises 50 states. Apa perbedaan antara Compose dan Comprise? The whole comprises the parts.. Compose means "make up" or "make." Beginning in the early 20th century, a number of usage guides decided that there was something wrong with the way that some writers used comprise.The sense meaning "to be made up of" was fine ("the compound comprises seven buildings"), but the one meaning "compose, constitute," which is most familiar in the passive voice, was found objectionable ("the compound is … , that thing is already made - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums is in... The correct word to use `` comprise '' and `` compose '' `` ten cows, horses... Good candidate because it tells us that the parts of something with these words. Word Choice: comprise vs. compose. in usage if you are using the word “ compose ” leafy,... Learning how to use comprise, have very subtle differences, so comprise vs compose can use properly..., such as further vs. farther accept it yet limit to the yourself! Then … comprise vs compose. compose and comprise. rooms and three.... 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