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#expandTitleToggle{background-image:url(}#fresh-add-on-details-link{color:#0066c0;font-size:1.1rem;line-height:1.5} Please try again. #oneClickAvailable{margin-bottom:3px}#getItBy div{margin-top:3px!important}#swatches .a-declarative{margin-bottom:0!important}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{background:url() center/35% no-repeat #E56B00}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{background:#F2AE5A}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-padding{padding:1.6rem 0!important}#oneClickAvailable .oneclick-swipe-preorder .turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{background-color:#808069}#oneClickAvailable .oneclick-swipe-preorder .turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{background:#d7d5b3}.oneclick-guide{background:#d1f7e7;color:#002F36} Professional and safety shipping. #cmpsMobilePopover .a-icon-popover{display:none!important}#marginTop2Img{width:16px;margin-top:2px}#marginTop3Img{width:16px;margin-top:3px}#marginTop4Img{width:16px;margin-top:4px}#textReviews{position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:auto;width:2px;height:1px;overflow:hidden} Out of My Later Years by Albert Einstein (Hardcover, 1950) 1st Edition . And what a treat this read was! His writings are up there and take an active mind to make sense, but they are worth reading. Not knowing much about Albert Einstein other than a few "E=mc squared" and a few memorable quotes, I took a shot at this book of essays to learn more. While the concept of Out Of My Later Years fascinates me, the execution did not. Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift, and one must take what nature gives as one finds it. I learned that besides being a world-renown physicist, he also: Wow! .amazon-lists-hearts-sample-css{max-width:100%;text-overflow:ellipsis;display:aok-inline-block;overflow:hidden}.amazon-lists-flyout-error-container,.amazon-lists-heart-container,.amazon-lists-popup-error-container{background-color:#fff;z-index:2;text-align:left}.amazon-lists-heart-container{width:34px;height:34px;border-radius:34px;border:#eee solid 1px;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in}.amazon-lists-empty-heart,.amazon-lists-filled-heart{position:absolute;top:7px;bottom:7px;left:5px}.amazon-lists-empty-heart::before,.amazon-lists-filled-heart::before{content:'';position:absolute;top:-14px;left:-12px;width:48px;height:48px}.amazon-lists-popup-error-container{opacity:.95;top:0;border-radius:0;margin-left:0}.amazon-lists-flyout-error-container{opacity:.95}.amazon-lists-flyout-error-container div{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.amazon-lists-heart-icon-container{position:absolute;width:34px;height:34px}.amazon-lists-heart-flyout{margin-left:34px;margin-right:17px;padding-top:5px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.amazon-lists-heart-flyout-text{color:#111;font-size:12px}.amazon-lists-heart-list-name-underline{text-decoration:underline}.amazon-lists-heart-button{width:100%;height:100%;background:0 0;border:0;padding:0;outline:0}.amazon-lists-heart-button .amazon-lists-empty-heart,.amazon-lists-heart-button .amazon-lists-filled-heart{visibility:hidden}.amazon-lists-heart-button[aria-checked=true] .amazon-lists-filled-heart{visibility:visible}.amazon-lists-heart-button[aria-checked=false] .amazon-lists-empty-heart{visibility:visible}.amazon-lists-heart-container-search-list-view{position:absolute;bottom:8px;left:8px}.amazon-lists-heart-container-search-grid-view{position:absolute;bottom:8px;left:8px} A great read for any Einstein fan and any philosophical minded person who would like food for thought. In 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany. I realized after starting this that while I know Einstein's name I don't know much about his life. (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? Interested in Out of My Later Years by Albert Einstein? We are sorry. #WLNEW_section_wlType .a-box{min-height:115px}#WLNEW_section_wlType .type-radio-contents{margin-left:0}#WLNEW_section_wlType .a-icon-radio{vertical-align:top;margin-right:5px;margin-left:-5px}#WLNEW_occ_month{margin-right:10px}.privacy_buttons_margin{margin-left:0!important;margin-bottom:5px!important}.fix-width-x-large{width:293px!important}.fix-width-large{width:150px!important}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlType .a-box{min-height:70px}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlType .a-radio{padding:0 0 0 3rem}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlType .type-radio-contents{padding-bottom:2px}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlName .a-button-toggle-group{text-align:left}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlName .privacy_buttons_margin{margin:0}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_wlName .a-button-toggle{margin:0 1rem 0 0}.atwl-create-content-section-mobile #WLNEW_section_ideaList textarea{border:2px solid #AAB7B8} I might come back to this book later, but in the meantime I'm going to read a biography. 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