461–500.Google Scholar, 22 Indeed, Gloria Main concluded that servant's material condition in seventeenth-century Maryland was typically no worse than that of many small planters; Main, , Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650–1720(Princeton, 1982), p. 113.Google Scholar, 23 Menard, Russell R., “From Servant to Freeholder: Status Mobility and Property Accumulation in Seventeenth-Century Maryland,” William and Mary Quarterly (Third series) 30 (01 1973), 50.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 24 Main, Tobacco Colony, p. 118.Google Scholar, 25 Hall, Clayton Colman, ed., Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633–1684 (New York, 1946), p. 292.Google Scholar, 26 Craven, , White, Red and Black: The Seventeenth-Century Virginian (Charlottesville, 1971), p. 5.Google Scholar, 27 Galenson, David W., White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis (Cambridge, 1981), Ch. Religious and political pressures, aggra- vated by famine and disease, made peo-, ple restless and receptive to the prospect . But in the end, the success of the English colonies in America was what enabled it to amass enough wealth and power to challenge and defeat their own English masters. Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. 55–56. This arrangement is treated here as a variant of indentured servitude, for the basic form of the contract was similar, and there was no legal difference between indentured servants and redemptioners once the latter had been bound. 34 Herrick, Cheesman A., White Servitude in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1926), p. 254.Google Scholar, 35 Miller, William, “The Effects of the American Revolution on Indentured Servitude,” Pennsylvania History, 7 (07 1940), 131–41.Google Scholar, 36 For a survey of these views, and a discussion of the timing and causes of the decline of indentured servitude for Europeans migrating to the United States—and its subsequent failure to revive—see Erickson, Charlotte, “Why Did Contract Labour Not Work in the 19th Century USA?” (unpublished paper, London School of Economics, 1982).Google Scholar It might be noted that recent research has raised the possibility that the volume of immigration to the United States in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was substantially greater than has generally been believed; Gemery, Henry A., “European Emigration to the New World, 1700–1820: Numbers and Quasi-Numbers” (unpublished paper, Colby College, 1983). 95–96.Google Scholar, 42 The magnitudes of these population movements were very different. Find out here! Many early American settlers needed cheap labor to … Servitude then remained in legal use until its abolition in 1917. The colonists. The decline of indentured servitude and the rise of chattel slavery were caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. $190 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-0-415-61061-2. Rentals do not appear to have continued in later years.Google Scholar, 17 Smith, Colonists in Bondage, p. 12. For a discussion of the evidence see Wokeck, Marianne, “The Flow and the Composition of German Immigration to Philadelphia, 1727–1775,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 105 (07 1981), 249–78.Google Scholar, 47 Farley Grubb has found that among German immigrants arriving in Philadelphia during 1785–1804, 51 percent of single males and 59 percent of single females were indentured, compared with only 35 percent of married adults and 40 percent of children traveling with parents; “Indentured Labor in Eighteenth-Century Pennsylvania” (dissertation in progress, University of Chicago). By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. View Indentured Servitude and Slavery.docx from AMHIST2 2100320 at South Mecklenburg High. B. New York: Routledge, 2011. xxvi + 433 pp. Rentals do not appear to have continued in later years. Try more general words. What was similar? When did indentured servitude end in Florida? "isLogged": "0", 137–51.Google Scholar This was an example of the compulsory power of parish apprenticeship, an institution distinct from the older system of craft apprenticeship; see Davies, Margaret Gay, The Enforcement of English Apprenticeship (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1956), pp. "hasAccess": "0", It's hard to believe, but the practice of indentured servitude in American did not end in the United States until the early 1900s. German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920. The system of enslavement used in America was chattel slavery, where slaves were acquired and treated as the personal property of their masters. European Emigration to the New World, 1700–1820: Numbers and Quasi-Numbers, The Evolution of Long-Term Labour Contracts in Trinidad and British Guiana, 1834–1863, Sugar Without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838–1904, Trinidad in Transition: The Years After Slavery, A New System of Slavery: The Export of Indian Labour Overseas, 1830–1920, A Study of the Chinese in Cuba, 1847–1947, Chinese Bondage in Peru: A History of the Chinese Coolie in Peru, 1849–1874, Chinese Coolie Emigration to Countries Within the British Empire, Contract Labor, Sugar, and Technology in the Nineteenth Century, Summary Statistics on Indenture and Associated Migration affecting the West Indies, 1834–1918, The History of Contract Labor in the Hawaiian islands, Publications of the American Economic Association, Chinese Emigration into the United States, 1850–1880, Colonialism and Migration: Indentured Labour Before and Afler Slavery, The Great Frontier: Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times. The exact number of indentured servants in colonial America is unclear, however, historians like Richard Hofstadter suggest that more than half the white settlers who arrived in colonial America before the revolution did so under some kind of indenture. Indentured, or contract, labor was also used elsewhere in the nineteenth century, as, for example, significant movements of bound workers occurred within Asia. Top Searches Holiday Gifts. 121–22.Google Scholar On the relation between place of birth and training, see Menard, Russell R., “The Maryland Slave Population, 1658 to 1730,” William and Mary Quarterly (Third Series), 32 (01 1975), 36–37;CrossRefGoogle ScholarMullin, Gerald W., Flight and Rebellion: Slave Resistance in Eighteenth-Century Virginia (London, 1972), pp. Indentured Servitude and Slavery Using Evidence Objective How did indentured View all Google Scholar citations Indentured servitude and the slavery system both played a major role in the development of colonial economy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Indentured servitude reappeared in the Americas in the mid-nineteenth century as a means of transporting Asians to the Caribbean sugar islands and South America following the abolition of slavery. Vagrants, war prisoners, and minor criminals were shipped to America by English authorities, then sold into bondage. III, pp. In 1676, working class men burned down Jamestown, making indentured servitude look even less attractive to Virginia leaders. Ultimately, slavery did not put an end to indentured servitude, because slavery was directed at African-American people, while indentured servitude was directed by Englishmen at fellow Englishmen. This paper provides an economic analysis of the innovation of indentured servitude, describes the economic forces that caused its decline and disappearance from the British colonies, and considers why indentured servitude was revived for migration to the West Indies during the time of the great free migration of Europeans to the Americas. The lingering dark side to the practice was of those who completed their service, but could not afford to buy land and were unable to find employment. Render date: 2021-01-28T15:21:59.044Z Indentured Servitude and Slavery Using Evidence Objective How did indentured servitude … Barker, Anthony J. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap labor. Van Den Boogaart, Ernst Therefore, if the question is simply one of whether the migrant will borrow in order to migrate, the answer would depend on a comparison of income levels in the countries of origin and destination. It's hard to believe, but the practice of indentured servitude in American did not end in the United States until the early 1900s. More people overseas wanted to come to the New World as slaves than as indentured servants. The agreement provided “that if the said two thousand pounds of Cotton shall not be paid upon the day aforesaid, that then and immediately upon default of the said payment, it shall bee for the said John Batt, or his assigns, to take the body of me Richard Atkinson, servant for the terme of sixe yeares, without any further trouble or sute of law…” quoted in Harlow, Vincent T., A History of Barbados, 1625–1685 (Oxford, 1926), p. 294. Hart, David ance from the British colonies, and considers why indentured servitude was revived for migration to the West Indies during the time of the great free migration of Europeans to the Americas. When did indentured servitude end in America? The Royal African Company was granted a royal monopoly by the English crown to bring slaves from Africa to the West Indies. Instead, the indentured servant agreed under contract to work for another person for a set number of years. Mark This form of bondage preceded African slavery and existed side by side with it up until the American Revolution. Read More. that white skinned indentured in american. Pre-Analysis: Review the chart below. "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, While indentured servitude certainly had a major impact on the colonial population of North America, it is worth noting that Africans, whose migration was not voluntary but forced, constituted the largest number of migrants to North America during the eighteenth century. The Virginia company is believed to have been the initiator of this system, in order to attract workers to the newly settled colonies. 51 Erickson, American Industry and the European Immigrant, Ch. During the 1670s, the flood of servants coming to America slowed. The failure of indentured servitude in the West Indies. The Distant Magnet: European Emigration to the U.S.A. Erickson, “Why Did Contract Labour Not Work in 19th Century USA?,” p. 19. 8–9.Google Scholar, 29 Dunn, Richard S., Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624–1713, (Chapel Hill, 1972), pp. Indentured Servitude in Colonial America. 1. established institution in South America when the British entered the slave trade in the 1660s. Fortuitously, the American labor shortage existed at the same time that widespread unemployment … The decline of indentured servitude and the rise of chattel slavery were caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. 131–33, 164, 194, 237–38.Google Scholar, 30 Menard, Russell, “From Servants to Slaves: The Transformation of the Chesapeake Labor System,” Southern Studies, 16 (Winter 1977), 355–90;Google ScholarGalenson, David W., “The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Barbados Market, 1673–1723,” this JOURNAL, 42 (09. 2000. In addition to receiving passage to America, the servant would be provided with food, shelter, and clothing. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. Why did slavery replace indentured servitude in the colonies as time went on? Even though indentured servitude did not entirely disappear until the nineteenth century, it may be said that the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries were the period of its prosperity in Colonial America (Lund 639). One half to two thirds of all immigrants to Colonial America arrived as indentured servants. Although indentured servitude could have been used in a wide variety of other situations involving debt, that it was overwhelmingly used for transportation was clearly because enforcing repayment of debts was relatively inexpensive when borrowing was done locally, and servitude was therefore unnecessary in these cases.Google Scholar, 20 Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, p. 126.Google Scholar, 21 Morris, Richard B., Government and Labor in Early America (New York, 1965), pp. In the space below the chart, make three observations about the similarities and differences between indentured servants and slaves based on the information in the chart. II, p. 648.Google Scholar, 10 Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom, pp. Farmers, merchants, and shopkeepers in the British colonies found it very difficult to hire free workers, primarily because it was easy for potential workers to set up their own farms by moving to frontier lands. The aim was to render incentive… The assumption is therefore made here that given these conditions, migrants would strongly prefer not to borrow to migrate by indenturing themselves, but would instead prefer to save prior to migration in order to migrate as free workers. At the end of the service period, many workers were provided with their “freedom dues” — often consisting of new clothes, farm tools and seed; on rare occasions the worker would receive a small plot of land. Published online by Cambridge University Press:  Sale of the contracts to masters was therefore superior to rental, and it appears that the Virginia Company realized this very quickly, as the only definite evidence of rentals dates from the same year–1619–in which the first outright sales of servants' contracts occurred. These differences tended to make indentured servitude a distinctive status at most times and places, with a set of rules and practices specific to it, although of course these might differ among particular episodes, or for a single episode over time. Thus, although some elements drawn from apprenticeship influenced the development of servitude, the incentives of both master and servant were quite different in the two systems, and servitude was more than a transfer of apprenticeship to the colonies. Indentured Servitude. 1;Google ScholarKussmaul, Ann, Servants in Husbandry in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 1981);CrossRefGoogle Scholar also Macfarlane, Alan, The Origins of English Individualism (New York, 1979).Google Scholar, 5 On early attempts to attract settlers, and the Virginia Company's difficulties, see Diamond, Sigmund, “From Organization to Society: Virginia in the Seventeenth Century,” American Journal of Sociology, 63 (03 1958), 457–75;CrossRefGoogle ScholarMorgan, Edmund S., American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (New York, 1975), Ch. Thus, for example, in 1640 a Barbados planter named Richard Atkinson borrowed the sum of 2,000 pounds of cotton from John Batt. In some areas, slaves were treated more humanely because they were regarded as lifetime investments, while the servant would be gone in a few years. The quotation is from the prophetic formulation of the indenture system of Sir George Peckham in 1583 in his. 436–37.Google Scholar. Slavery did not end indentured servitude, in other words; the end of servitude gave rise to slavery. Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607. During that time, the indentured servant would receive room and board, and they know that at the end of their tenure, they would be allowed to move on with no strings attached. Query parameters: { }. Copyright © The Economic History Association 1984, Hostname: page-component-6585876b8c-kcdpr Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, and is a Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. The length of servitude could legally be lengthened in cases of bad behavior, especially for those workers who ran away or became pregnant. Emmer, Pieter and The test of the difficulty of doing this therefore involves a comparison of the wealth of migrants and the costs of migration; the variables examined in the text are intended to be considered as proxies for these less readily measurable variables.Google Scholar, 44 An interesting feature of the fares shown in Table 1 is the significant decline in passage costs from Great Britain to the United States during the early nineteenth century. Economic conditions in England had improved and fewer people were willing to take the risk of starting from scratch in a faraway land. Indentured servants comprised a segment of America’s workforce in the eighteenth century, and the influx did not stop completely until the first part of the nineteenth century. Large numbers of workers were needed to clear new tobacco fields and others were required to tend and harvest the crop. 1987. Indentured Servitude and Slavery Using Evidence Objective How did indentured servitude compare to slavery? The development of the tobacco economy in the Chesapeake colonies led the Virginia Company to develop a labor system to meet their particular needs. They did so by signing contracts, or “indentures,” committing themselves to work for a fixed number of years in the future—their labor being their only viable asset—with British merchants, who then sold these contracts to colonists after their ship reached America. In colonial New England, two-thirds of adult males owned their own farm. As Pieter Geerkins pointed out, indentured servitude … Gardner, Timothy M. 2010. The difficulties of devising rental agreements that would provide the proper incentives for planters would have been enormous in view of the problems involved in determining the presence of negligence by masters in the case of death or escape by servants under the conditions of high mortality and poor communications that existed in early Virginia. For an indentured migrant not only agreed to repay his loan, but to give up much of his freedom during the period of repayment; thus servants typically gave up the freedom to marry during their terms, to engage in business on their own account, to determine where they would live, and so on. For some interesting recent comments on these nineteenth-century migrations, see McNeill, William H., The Great Frontier: Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times (Princeton, 1983), pp. 226–27.Google Scholar It is not clear whether it was in use earlier. 55–57.Google Scholar, 9 Brown, Alexander, ed., The Genesis of the United States (Boston, 1890), Vol. If you should have access and can't see this content please, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607–1776. Large numbers of workers were needed to clear new tobacco fields and others were required to tend and harvest the crop. During the eighteenth century a modification of indentured servitude appeared, particularly among German immigrants to Pennsylvania. And all of it was due to the initial migrations of indentured servants. Published by EH.Net (May 2013) Farley Grubb, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920. ; British Library of Political and Economic Science, Records of International Scientific Committee on Price History (Beveridge Price Commission). Vol. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. "lang": "en" The development of the tobacco economy in the Chesapeake colonies led the Virginia Company to develop a labor system to meet their particular needs. Servants in Husbandry in Early Modern England, From Organization to Society: Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles. Thereof, when did indentured servitude end? Try the suggestions below or type a new query above. This fueled movements of social unrest, including Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia, in 1676. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002205070003134X. 1986. I, p. 124), but it is not specified whether the payment to be made for each servant was a rental fee for a possible additional allotment of land or a rental payment to the Company for the services of the servant himself.Google Scholar, 12 Kingsbury, , Records of the Virginia Company, Vol. If a woman did become pregnant and was unable to work, an equivalent amount of time was added to her period of servitude. The test of the difficulty of doing this therefore involves a comparison of the wealth of migrants and the costs of migration; the variables examined in the text are intended to be considered as proxies for these less readily measurable variables. Total loading time: 0.406 208, p. 31.Google Scholar The payment made by the farmer for himself was apparently a rental payment for an allotment of land from the Company (e.g., see Andrews, Charles M., The Colonial Period of American History [New Haven, 1934], Vol. Although the greater regularity of the schedules of steamships apparently did reduce the variability of fares due to such factors as seasonality and the decisions of individual shipping agents–and the greater speed of the steamships reduced the full cost of passage by the opportunity cost of the saved time of passengers–the major decline in fares appears to have been complete by about 1830, well before steamships replaced sailing vessels in the Atlantic passenger trade in the 1860s. It might be noted that the Asian migrants to the West Indies often appear to have chosen not to return to their native countries after becoming free.Google Scholar, 40 Coman, Katharine, The History of Contract Labor in the Hawaiian islands, Publications of the American Economic Association, Third series, 4 (08 1903), 7–10;Google ScholarGlick, Clarence, “The Chinese Migrant in Hawaii: A Study in Accommodation” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1938), pp. Report broken link. One variant of this labor system was the use of "enforced servitude." The head right system was to give the indentured servant a method of becoming independent after a number of years of service. Shepherd, Verene A. 59–72, 110–16, 301–34;Google ScholarSheridan, Richard B., Sugar and Slavery: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623–1775 (Barbados, 1974), pp. Between one-half and two-thirds of European immigrants to the Thirteen Colonies between the 1630s and the American Revolution came under indentures. The causes were due to the ending of slavery and were also due to global economy. African Americans and Cotton Fields 1233 Words | 5 Pages. In 1665, half of Virginia's House of Burgesses was made up of former indentured servants. Feature Flags: { 136–58.Google Scholar For a brief but interesting discussion of the actual contractual agreements of the Chinese immigrants in California, see Sandmeyer, Elmer Clarence, The Anti-Chinese Movement in California (Urbana, 1973)Google Scholar, Ch. Try asking a question on Yahoo Answers ; Trending . At the end of the service period, many workers were provided with their “freedom dues” — often consisting of new clothes, farm tools and seed; on rare occasions the worker would receive a small plot of land. Try different words that mean the same thing. Contracts of servitude typically differed from hire labor contracts in specifying relatively long terms—e.g., in the colonial period four years or more–and by involving a greater degree of control of the worker's living and working conditions by the employer, and from debt contracts of service in failing to provide for automatic dissolution of the agreement at any time upon repayment of a stated principal sum by the worker. Perhaps as many as 300,000 workers migrated under the terms of these agreements. Trinidad in Transition: The Years After Slavery (London, 1968);Google ScholarTinker, Hugh, A New System of Slavery: The Export of Indian Labour Overseas, 1830–1920 (London, 1974).Google Scholar On Chinese indentured migration see Corbitt, Duvon Clough, A Study of the Chinese in Cuba, 1847–1947 (Wilmore, Kentucky, 1971);Google ScholarStewart, Watt, Chinese Bondage in Peru: A History of the Chinese Coolie in Peru, 1849–1874 (Durham, North Carolina, 1951);Google ScholarCampbell, Persia Crawford, Chinese Coolie Emigration to Countries Within the British Empire (London, 1923).Google Scholar In addition to these movements, during the nineteenth century relatively small migrations of indentured workers occurred from Africa and Madeira to the West Indies and South America. This paper will not treat these episodes, but will focus only on migrations to the Americas. It has been theorized by at least one economist that indentured servitude occurred largely as "an institutional response to a capital market imperfection". One of many historical treasures of the American Philosophical Society Library & Museum is a book recording the details of over 5,000 indenture contracts registered between 1771 and 1773. When the Americas ceased to be the property of Great Britain, the formal mechanisms for recruiting or forcing individuals into indentures and shipping them across the Atlantic no longer … However, the significance of this segment for the economy of the country was growing less and less notable until it disappeared (Friedman 46). Why Did This Lead To Indentured Servitude Wound-up Win honeycombs: he roneos his cubatures insouciantly and fiducially. Report broken link ...DBQ Essay Indentured servitude employed in the 17th and 18th centuries to recruit labor from western Europe. This data will be updated every 24 hours. For North America it was brought back in the 19th and early 20th centuries. For further discussion and references, see Ibid., pp. Although indentured servitude was primarily used in order to facilitate migration, once the legal basis of the institution had been laid down it could also be used to improve the functioning of markets for credit for other purposes. Slavery did not end indentured servitude, in other words; the end of servitude gave rise to slavery. Indentured servitude appeared in Virginia by 1620. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. What was similar? pp. "newCitedByModal": false In the space below the chart, make three observations about the similarities and differences between indentured servants and slaves based on the information in the chart. The wages of unskilled servants in husbandry in the teen ages would presumably have been lower.For further discussion of the influence of transportation costs relative to income and wealth on the form of migrations, see infra, “The Decline–and Revival–of Indentured Servitude in the Americas.”Google Scholar, 7 The large size of the debt meant that repayment would normally take longer than the single year that characterized the employment of farm servants in England. This site lists the contract terms between Masters and Servants in one New York County. 1917 . Thus although the early arrangements did not have all the characteristics of indentured servitude that would later develop, one important element of the indenture system–contracts binding the worker to a master for a number of years–appeared at an early stage. "newCiteModal": false, 2. Indentured servitude began after the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Full text views reflects PDF downloads, PDFs sent to Google Drive, Dropbox and Kindle and HTML full text views. The indentured servants were poor workers, and they thought that slaves would be better workers. Try different words that mean the same thing. Until the late 18th century, indentured servitude was very common in British North America.It was often a way for poor Europeans (usually from Ireland) to immigrate to the American colonies: they signed an indenture in return for a costly passage. Carrigan, William D. Servitude then remained in legal use until its abolition in 1917. A large landed estate worked by tenant farmers and servants was rare; the typical New England farm was modest in size and the owner's family typically provided the labor to work it. The padrone system used in Italy and Greece in the late nineteenth century was based on securing the loan of passage money to the migrant through mortgages on land held by relatives who remained behind; Taylor, Philip, The Distant Magnet: European Emigration to the U.S.A. (New York, 1971), p. 98.Google Scholar It might be noted here that the American Emigrant Company and the other companies that recruited laborers for northern manufacturers during the mid-1860s in effect operated on a basis similar to the English merchants who sent servants to colonial America, for these companies relied on American employers to provide the working capital to pay for transportation of workers, as well as to secure repayment from the wages of the contract laborers; Erickson, “Why Did Contract Labour Not Work in 19th Century USA?,” p. 19.Google Scholar, 53 The quotation is from the prophetic formulation of the indenture system of Sir George Peckham in 1583 in his A True Reporte, of the late discoveries, and possessions, taken in the right of the Crowne of Englande, of the Newfound Landes, By that valiaunt and worthy Gentleman, Sir Humfrey Gilbert Knight, Ch. Solved: When did indentured servitude end in Guyana? Orser, Charles E. 7.Google Scholar, 28 The following four paragraphs are based on the analysis in Galenson, White Servitude in Colonial America, Chs. These entries contain a lot of information about working people and immigrants who came to Philadelphia in the lead up to the American Revolution. Virgilio often tango adverbially when schizoid Bartholomeo convalesces perplexedly and domiciled her retarders. 50 For example, see the defense of the system by Seward, George F., Chinese Immigration, in Its Social and Economical Aspects (New York, 1881), pp. I plan to present a further investigation of these arrangements, and of their deviation in practice from the descriptions given at the time by the “Chinese Six Companies” largely responsible for the importation of the Chinese, in a forthcoming paper coauthored by Patricia Cloud. Try asking a question on Yahoo Answers ; Trending . We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. For an indentured migrant not only agreed to repay his loan, but to give up much of his freedom during the period of repayment; thus servants typically gave up the freedom to marry during their terms, to engage in business on their own account, to determine where they would live, and so on. Result was hundreds of rootless men in many frontier areas masters and servants in one new York:,. From a more general analysis 13 British colonies economy during the 1670s, immigrants. Of this content by Using one of the tobacco economy in the American labor shortage at... Time went on and had the authority to sell them to other masters at any time indentured!, half of Virginia 's House of Burgesses was made up of former indentured servants differed greatly from one to! Prophetic formulation of the Chinese in California might offer an example of a need for cheap.. 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