Each goat can comfortably live in an area spanning about 10 square feet. When giving birth, the Nigerian Dwarf Goat doe will produce three to five babies. Between about 1930 and 1960 a variety of small goats of the West African Dwarf group of breeds were imported from Africa to the United States to be exhibited in zoos. Does stand between 16 and 21 inches tall at the withers and bucks can grow to be 23.5 inches tall at the withers. We have been leaving our 4 month old Great Pyrenees puppy, Titus, in the goat pasture with the adult goats. Nigerian dwarf goats often produce multiple kids; 3, 4 or even 5 kids per pregnancy. Remember, you know your doe. New born kids average about 2 lbs. The teats are wiped clean and then a little olive oil is applied to our hands and the teats. Our goats are registered through ADGA and/or AGS. Because they can breed off season - different than other goats, it is easy to keep a year round milk supply. This will help to keep their urinary system flowing. Please consult your veterinarian for verification. However, we do not breed polled to polled goats because of genetic concerns. The price will vary depending on the goat performance i.e champion pedigree, the production capabilities, health etc. Make sure you don't contaminate that fresh goat milk. If this is a first time milker she may need some time to get used to the routine. This has been on an as needed basis when illness, recovery or an exceptionally long winter with poor hay quality is needed to keep them in good condition. It is important to understand the diseases that goats can contract and how. When my electronic milker comes in I’ll be milking more. When changing feed, always make changes slowly. The typical gestation period for Nigerian Dwarf Goats is about 5 months. You’re probably familiar with pygmy goats, which are another small-sized goat. In reality, they actually have very delicate nutritional needs. Kids with immunized does: 4, 6, 10 weeks ? It is not because of the amount of milk it can produce but rather of the quality. We love the milk that they produce. We try not to worm our goats routinely. Nigerian dwarf bucks weigh between 30 and 45 pounds. Upon birth, the baby dwarf goats ranged in weight from 1.9 pounds to 4.7 pounds. Registered goats typically cost from between $300 and $500 USD per head. This post contains affiliate links. 4. She gets as much as she wants while on the stand. We have fecals done periodically to test for parasites and treat accordingly. When you have your supplies ready and your hands washed. They birth on average 3 to 4 babies at a time, called kids. They also are extremely friendly, so they are a great fit for the Goat Yard. They live up to 12 years and in ideal situations they have lived as long as 20 years. Divide the weight by the number of goats and you have a total weight to figure out how much hay you need to purchase for the year. They only have 3 to 6 inches between their udder and the floor of the milk stanchion. Meat breeds are usually the heaviest, with an average weight of around 286 pounds (130 kg). If she has been doing fine and all of a sudden doesn't act right. Remember, goats do not have teeth on the upper jaw in the front, only gums. The doe is freshening her milk supply. They are fed a 16-18% dairy goat feed. Listen with your eyes to what she is telling you. Goats of this breed usually have a butcher weight of approximately 25 to 40 pounds (11 to 18 kilograms). They are definitely much smaller in size than full-size goats. 10) Wash off teats with your wipe. Nigerian Dwarf goat breed generally have simple births with few problems and kids are born at an average of around 2 pounds. Feeds containing UREA. Goats are herd animals and as such must be with other goats. The Nigerian Dwarf does give a surprising quantity of milk for its size. The matured males weigh between 20kg to 25kg while the matured females weigh between 18kg to 22kg. ONLY occasionally, have we added buck pellets (pelleted food formulated for bucks only), kelp and black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS). When a goat calls out it is called bleating. An average doe produces about 2.5 pounds of milk a day, Nigerian Dwarf production ranges from 1 to 8 pounds of milk per day (one quart of milk weighs roughly 2 pounds). BREEDING THE NIGERIAN DWARF GOAT And if you have space and a safe environment - goats with horns are fine. We give them a pain med and disbud the kids that have erupted horns. This is a good time to move the bucklings away from the does. If this is your plan make sure the kids all get colostrum first. We have many kids that are polled at birth. There are plenty of color combinations to be found. They prefer to eat a little here and a little there. Nigerian dwarf milk has a higher butterfat (6-10%) than other goat milk and is excellent for making cheese, butter, ice cream and soap. The Saanen is another great dairy goat if you want more traditional type ears. Mine get a little bit of peanut hay, 5 handfuls of alfalfa pellets, and however much grain/goat pellets they need according to body condition. However, being a mother myself who “kidded and nursed” my children, I know that it takes a lot out of your body. Open does are fed free choice brome hay, graze, minerals and baking soda. We wean our kids around 8 weeks unless sold as bottle babies. Adults At least once each year, Give with injury, illness and stressful events*, Pregnant does 4 – 6 weeks before due date. This is all given at feeding time, but they have access to coastal hay and minerals all day long. Not only are these goats great reproducers but they are also great producers. Pygmy goat’s genetics are designed for meat production, so they tend to have a much thicker build in general. Vetricyn, Vitamin B 12 (BOSE), Meloxican for pain relief, Ammonium Chloride, Vinegar, CD&T, Minerals (block or loose), Baking soda, Dried kelp food grade, Probiotics, Diatimatious Earth... A few tools that are handy to have are as follows: Hoof trimmers, Wood file, Collar and leash, Carrier for transport, Bowls to feed, Water heater elements to prevent frozen water in the winter, Rake, Barn lime, Shelter / Large dog house, Water container, Food container, Hay manger, Leur lock syringes and 22 gauge - 1” needles, Standard syringes, Alcohol, Cotton balls and paper towels, Scissors, Nasal Aspirator, Disposable scalpel, Disposable gloves, Digital thermometer... Nigerian dwarf goats can be milked once or twice a day. History. Babies are around 2 pounds when born. Then Nigerian dwarf goats just might be the goat that you’re looking for! The information was not any clearer when it came to the bucks. This can be a life threatening situation. Truthfully, they prefer these more than grass. Top 9 Reasons Why You DON’T Want Nigerian Dwarf Goats. They do not take any special food and can live off of graze or prairie hay during all seasons, winter included. Poor expecting Sadie. However, not all the kids typically survive with higher multiple births. Now they are dual purpose animals, able to used for both meat and milk. We work hard to bring the best Goat discussion! Alert and defending them from dogs and any other animals they think could hurt their babies. However, if the milk comes from a doe that has CAE, Johne’s, or another infectious disease, then the milk needs to be pasteurized so that the kid does not get infected.Beyond that, you’ll hear people argue all day long about what to No one in our family grew up on a farm and learning to milk has been a process. Typically our Nigerian does get pregnant while they are still lactating, then dry up 2 to 3 months after conceiving. The more you know your goat’s behavior and personality the better caretaker you will be. 5) Wipe down teats with teat wipe and solution. You can add apple cider vinegar to water in the winter. In this article we are going to discuss the diet specifics such as grains, fiber (hay), and vitamins and minerals. After milking, the doe is returned to her kids. Though, they will need shade protection during periods of intense sun. African Rue, Andromeda (related to foxglove), Azalea, Brouwer’s Beauty Andromeda, Boxwood, Burning bush berries, Calotropis, Cassava (manioc), China Berry Trees, all parts, Choke cherries, Datura, Dog Hobble, Dumb Cane (diffenbachia / houseplant), Eunoumus Bush Berries, False Tansy, “Fiddleneck”, Flixweed, Fusha, Holly Trees / bushes, Ilysanthes floribunda, Japanese pieris (extremely toxic), Japanese Yew, Lantana (? The earliest record of Nigerian Dwarf goats is from West Africa. When one of our goat’s routine changes, like - they aren’t first in line to eat, or don’t come up for a scratch on the shoulders – something is wrong. Answer: Nigerian dwarf does weigh between 25 and 35 pounds. To avoid illness we have worked with our vet to carefully to determine how to feed each one. The doe is then milked one time a day, until the kids are weaned. I will give a list of plants to avoid that have been reported to be poisonous or harmful to goats somewhere on the internet. We learned on an unexperienced but very very patient doe. at birth but grow quickly. We have worked to develop a good step by step milking routine so that even the those people who have never milked before can feel comfortable trying their hand at it. Bottle feed so that the kids will not contract the Cae from the mother goat. We use Purina Goat Chow with kelp added morning and evening – about ¼ cup per doe. If the answer is yes further inspection is needed. Looking back, well...looking back is embarrassing. Mini-Manchas “Mini-manchas”, as in LaMancha does crossed with Nigerian Dwarf bucks, are sometimes used as pets or homestead dairy goats. When her stream slows bump the udder or massage softly then finish milking her out. We filter our milk through a stainless steal coffee filter that sits inside of a canning funnel. In fact, they are very particular and will not eat food that has been dropped on the ground or soiled. Finally, conformation determines how much Nigerian Dwarf Goats are worth if they are to be a show goat. This is then set atop the half gallon mason jar. If planning to wether a buckling, they can be banded before they leave. This helps decrease any discomfort for the doe and speeds up the amount of time it takes. Some breeders even breed 3 times in two years to maximize the does potential. If not continue milking. There are many different ways to milk. Something may be wrong. We reserve the right to choose who we will sell our animals to. They reach sexual maturity at a young age so be sure and separate the bucks and does. Is her udder red, cut, hot or does she jump when you touch her? They are supplemented with a 16-18% dairy goat feed. 12) Feed your goat a peanut, praise her and give her a good shoulder scratch or brush down if you have time. We use Purina Goat Chow with alfalfa pellets, BOSS and kelp added morning and evening at the milk stanchion while being milked. Primarily because the cost is minimal in relation to the time and effort it took to keep homemade solutions sanitary for any length of time. They can, many times, be the same height and weight, but pygmy goats tend to be stockier, and have shorter legs. 3) Check the doe for any changes in – her udder, teats, feet, mouth, bottom, etc. Female Natalia, the first of the dwarf goat babies, was born on April 10 to doe Alyssa. We try to be careful and use good biosecurity standards however, no matter how good we are, disease can still find a way in. Right now I’m only milking one. Remember a happy goat gives the best milk. At that time, we begin milking twice a day about 12 hours apart. Nigeria dwarf goats are mostly found in the southern part of Nigeria. She had quads a few days later. Rectal Temperature 101.7 – 104 degrees F, Respirations Adult 12 – 20 per minute, Pulse 70 – 80 beats per minute, Estrus / Heat cycle 18 - 23 days and lasts 12 - 36 hours, Gestation 145 – 156 days or about 5 months. 11) Filter the milk into the jar / date / refrigerate your milk ASAP! Some kids horn buds do not break through the skin until later. We also use commercial teat wipes and olive oil when milking. An udder cream or spray can be used but is not necessary. One of our girls perches herself on the highest place she can and bleats out at us until we feed her in the morning and evening. A standard stainless steal pan with a handle works well. Nigerian dwarf milk goats are the smallest breed, with an average weight of 75 pounds (34 kg). If your doe is Cae positive, powdered colostrum supliments are available. Females of this same breed stand a little more than 22 inches high. The Nigerian Dwarf, like the American Pygmy Goat, derives from these, but does not resemble the stocky West African Dwarf in conformation – it has been bred to have the appearance of a miniature dairy goat. It may seem elementary to some of us, but I have been asked too many times "Do goats give milk all the time like cows or do they have to have a baby first?" They do not eat anything as urban legend suggests. However, if she develops mastitis or is mineral deficient she may have more difficulty and need help to support her babies. Our vet told me once “You will tell me when something is wrong.” And he was right. I prefer to give my girls a few months to rest and recuperate before they are bred again. Collect all the supplies before you head out. However, if possible, wait until they are about 4 months old. Each one has specific needs that the other does not. They can be as little as 10 ounces and still survive with a little assistance. A goat will seek out the minerals that they need if it is not provided to them. I own Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and I will probably own them the rest of my life. Question: How old does a nigerian dwarf doe have to be to breed? I tried searching the Internet to find out how much a full grown Nigerian Dwarf doe should weigh, and saw everything from 25-70lbs, so I figured I'd better ask on TGS. Nigerian Dwarf goats have a more slender neck, and thinner, longer legs. The balanced proportions of the Nigerian Dwarf give it the appearance of the larger breeds of dairy goats, but does stand no more than 22.5 inches (57 centimeters) and bucks no more than 23.5 inches (60 centimeters). It is also very handy to remove with the handle when an inexperienced or anxious doe begins to dance. Brownie (Nigerian Dwarf Doe) with Her Twin Kids about 12 Hours Old Following Morning, Brownie (Nigerian Dwarf Doe) with Her Twin Kids. Inspect her milk in the strip cup and test for mastitis if necessary. However, cows and sheep are grazers and will eat everything in an area. They do love brush, bramble, trees, poison ivies and most weeds that other livestock will not eat. Try it and then you can always make adjustments based on things such as body condition, production, time it takes to eat or if they don’t eat it all. Anything that could cause choking: nuts, nut shells, avocado pits, fruit pits, bones, etc. « Basic Health Care Supplies – Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Colors and Patterns. Dwarf goats are very playful, and they love to climb on things. As of 2012, The Livestock Conservancy Board ranked Nigerian dwarf goats as a recovering breed. More importantly, I love Nigerian Dwarf Goats. The goat market is something that dictates the value of Nigerian Dwarf Goats. They can be bred year round, so male and female goats should not be kept together. If she is found to be ok upon visual inspection, meaning no open wounds or sores and no signs of pain. The following is the routine that works for our family. The babies are called kids. Bucklings can be fertile as early as 8 weeks. I just weighed my does, and one (Gracie) weighed 56.6lbs (Still surprised I could lift her! When researching what our goats can and can not have, we have come across many lists on the internet. To view my affiliate disclaimer, click here. Most of our goats come from great bloodlines. There are not many medications developed for goats so many treatments come from medications meant for other livestock. When feeding our Nigerian dwarf goats we feed the bucks/wethers and does differently. In goats blue eyes are a dominant trait. within the last 2 weeks. Goats are browsers. A doe can support up to 4 kids in good living conditions without supplementing the kids. We want them to restore their vitamins and minerals before breeding again. Over time it is a good idea to have a few commonly used medications on hand. Answer: Yes. Do NOT give baking soda to bucks! Since 2010, Lesa's writing has inspired new homesteaders on their journey to more sustainable lifestyles via this website. The compact size makes keeping them easy keepers on smaller properties. You can have approximately 10 Nigerian dwarf goats per acre. They eat less and they convert the food they eat to milk efficiently. Feeding Nigerian dwarf goats a proper diet that is nutritionally-balanced is the best thing you can do to keep your herd healthy. One Nigerian dwarf goat care sheet to remember is that a doe with kids will require shelter that’s draft-proof. These mothers are very protective of their kids. Wethers are ideal for pets. A movement toward self sustaining lifestyles has helped increase interest in this breed. 8) Check this milk for flakes, strings, or blood signs - act accordingly if there is a problem. We try to make sure that the treats we give them are good for them as well. For goats it is called freshening. I tried searching the Internet to find out how much a full grown Nigerian Dwarf doe should weigh, and saw everything from 25-70lbs, so I figured I'd better ask on TGS. The best advice I can give is to know your goat. 4) Clean hands and supplies are the most important part of the process. And she wasn’t hollering at me. This is reported to help their urinary system develop and should not cause as many issues with urinary calculi when they are older. We have had good success with our does and they have always been healthy and ready to visit the bucks again. Bed down the goat pens or house with straw, cleaning them on a daily basis. With the other does, we remove the kids at night and milk the next morning. Since then we have learned a lot. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Baby Care Continue the milking routine. We mob feed the lactating does and kids, with a couple non-lactating ones joining in. As long as the kids continue to grow and develop normally, we continue this until the kids are 8 weeks old and weaned. I would want a doeling to be 60 pounds or close to it before breeding. Hi Lindsey, most experts on Nigerian Dwarf goats say the ideal weight is 75lbs but a range between 60 and 80 pounds is normal and healthy, depending on her frame. Additionally, goat milk is easier to digest making it an option for many lactose intolerant people or those that have other gastrointestinal issues. ), Lasiandra, Lilacs, Lily of the Valley (Pieris Japonica), Lupine, Madreselva (Spain) patologia renal, Maya – Maya, Monkhood, Milkweed, Mountain Laurel, Nightshade (? This is because our does are dwarfs. Keep a log or chart of illnesses, medications, freshening, vaccinations, etc on your goat. Goats that have a good choice of graze, proper hay and/or grain that they need will not eat non-edible or poisonous substances. Goats (and for that matter cows) do have to kid, calf or have a baby before they can give milk. But a drastic reduction of the breed variety was caused by the rise of industrial agriculture and threatened their survival. A stainless steal pan, funnel, screen/filter basket, strip cup and a glass milk jar. We sell Nigerian Dwarf goats with ADGA papers and a few without. I’ll go with that. Baking soda will neutralize the vinegar and ammonium chloride affects. According to the Columbian Park Zoo, this West African breed are found all over the world today. Pygmy goats are typically raised as pets, but Nigerian dwarf goats are actually classified as a type of dairy goat. I don’t feed just alfalfa pellets to my lactating does. Bucks and wethers are fed free choice prairie hay, graze, and minerals. Goats have a rumen like cows and sheep. A herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats is call a tribe or a trip. The mom goat was dues in 2 more weeks per the seller, but yesterday gave birth to 3. Males reach sexual maturity when they are … Like larger dairy goats, these dwarf goats will have short, fine hair. Nigerian dwarf goats price – how much do they cost in the USA? Know his/her weight and age. And our vet says that happy well cared for/loved goats produce better tasting milk. She was in the shelter laying quietly. These goats weigh between 60 and 80 pounds, on average, and because they come in a variety of color combinations, you can assemble a distinctive and beautiful herd. If however, you have a problem address it first. This type of goat can breed at 12 to 18 months, and often undergo multiple reproductions by frequently giving birth to twins and triplets. The uterus contracts and dilates, forcing the unborn kid against the cervix (neck of the uterus). Discussion in 'Mini Mania' started by CaramelKittey, Aug 3, 2020. Many people keep them as pets because of their docile nature and they are easily managed by children. Goat milk is best, and I prefer raw milk because it has all of the antibodies intact. The Nigerian dwarf goat is the most popular and smallest milk breed goat. Do not allow a Cae positive doe to nurse her kids. Buying a Nigerian Dwarf Goat For Sale She put up with a lot. She may look at her side, like she can’t figure out what is going on. For 8 adults, 6 of whom are lactating, and 8 kids we are feeding 1 scoop alfalfa pellets and 1 scoop grain twice a day, in addition to browse and hay. We love them like family – just family that live outside. They will be much healthier in the long run and have the benefit from the does immunities. They commonly have 1 to 4 kids at one freshening, even up to 5, 6 or 7 kids. We have tested all our goats for Cae, CL and Johne’s disease. 1) Make sure the grain is in the bucket, 2) Stanchion is locked before beginning to milk. An adult male is called a buck, a young male is a buckling and a male that has been fixed or sterilized is a wether. Owning two means you should have a minimum of 20 – 25 square feet. They are all negative and can raise their kids naturally without concern. How much room do Nigerian dwarf goats need? Unregistered Nigerian dwarf goats will cost between 50 and 100 USD. We milk two times a day by hand. Make sure they always have fresh water available to them! Kids with non- immunized does: Birth, 4 , 6 weeks ? This flexibility has helped to develop interest in this breed with hobby farmers and modern day homesteaders. My son and his wife just bought 2 dwarf goats (Nigerian dwarf or pigmy goats?) And the does are between 17 and 19 inches (up to 22.5 inches). Disbudding at this stage is not very effective and can be more painful to the kid. If planning to disbud, best practice is to do this when the kids are 2 – 10 days old. When the doe gives birth it is called freshening or kidding. We use a peppermint rub to soothe our does. For weight, expect your Nigerian Dwarf goat to weigh between 60 and 80 pounds. They came to the United States in the 1930’s and 1950’s as food for larger cats like lions. My does that have quads are not milked until they wean their kids. This is an attempt to provide a starting point for goat owners and definitely is not a definitive list. This can be stressful. She may lick herself, or even you. However, the more kids in a freshening the more varied the weight of the kids can be. Interesting facts: Only goats, sheep, toads, and octopi have rectangular pupils. We give CD&T vaccinations as recommended. Nigerian Dwarf Goats are known for having few birthing problems. Their small stature means they do not require as much space or feed as their larger dairy goat counterparts. She raises Nigerian Dwarf goats, Buckeye chickens, honey bees and produce. Most goats want to be left alone during this time, and their labor may even slow down o… Dwarf goats breed year round. Cow milk stays in the human stomach for 24 hours. Lactating does are fed free choice Alfalfa hay, graze, minerals and baking soda. It stays in the human stomach for only 20 minutes to 4 hours. Nigerian dwarf goats are a traditional livestock breed that farmers raised in the past. The bucks are ideally between 19 and 21 inches (but up to 23.5 inches). We allow the doe to raise her kids for two tp six weeks naturally and then we remove the kids at night. 2 were alive and 1 was still in the sac but the sac … We use Purina Goat Chow as needed to grow and stay in good condition. When giving grain add approximately ½ teaspoon of ammonium chloride to the feed. Adult Nigerian dwarf goats weigh approximately 75 pounds when full grown. Nigerian dwarf goats can breed all year round. A newborn Nigerian dwarf goat weighs around 2 pounds at birth. However, the more kids in a freshening the more varied the weight of the kids can be. Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. A well stocked medicine cabinet can be the difference between life and death of your goat. One morning I came out and she wasn’t there. Question: Does a nigerian dwarf doe have to have kids to have milk? Many breeders keep their goats naturally horned. I checked her temp and it was 105 degrees F. She was sick. This will help you answer questions for treating your goat when the vet is unavailable and over the phone consultation is necessary. I do not claim to be an expert but I try to be safe rather than sorry. Meaning that they will not grow horns. If you change the bacteria in the rumen too quickly you can cause bloat or the rumen to shut down. Goats were one of the first animals to be domesticated and have been herded for around 9,000 years. So, if a doe must be at least 135 pounds to meet the breed standards, a doeling would need to be at least 110 pounds to be considered fit for breeding. Nigerian dwarf goats are good mothers and typically deliver easily and unassisted. 9) Milk in the pan. Keep reading to learn what makes Nigerian dwarf goats popular with farmers. Goat milk is easier to breakdown and digest. However, we have decided to keep our herd free from horns for a few reasons (which can be discussed at a later time). The doe can be milked immediately and the kids can be bottle fed. However, it is still recommended to get the help of a professional, such as a veterinarian, to deal with the whole process. WATER is the number one priority of the goat owner. • *You do still need to know the specific weight of a goat … ). http://www.luresext.edu/sites/default/files/BCS_factsheet.pdf, https://standleeforage.com/products/premium-alfalfa-pellets, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. If you are feeding just alfalfa then that sounds about right. Weigh your vehicle empty, load up the goats, and weigh the vehicle again. We want our goats placed in good, loving homes with people who are familiar with raising farm animals. There are other milk breeds that can produce more milk than the Nigerian dwarf but requires a lot of space, effort in food, supply and maintenance and can be a little hard to handle, especially for beginners. So here is a list of vital signs to know about your goat. I love goats. Feeding foods to them that are not in their natural diet could harm them. These goats are white and easy to spot on pasture. Goat milk has an alkaline pH and is naturally homogenized. We have given: Peanuts in the shell, orange peels, banana peels, small amounts of yogurt, cut up apples and pears and a favorite is bending a branch from a nearby tree down within their reach. And goats and stress do not go well together. They are fed a 16-18% dairy goat feed. Nigerian dwarfs don’t actually require the acreage that’s needed for larger varieties of livestock. Traditional pails (which we have tried) do not work and make milking difficult as the udder ends up in the pail. Many goat owners do not attempt to breed doelings until they are at least 80% of their adult weight. It is better to have a veterinarian surgically dehorn them at this point. We feed a good quality goat feed year round to our herd of 25-30 Nigerian Dwarf goats, but reduce it to only about 1/2 cup twice per day when the goats are dry. We do supplement the grain with kelp and BOSS at times. Yes. Doelings (female goats) are generally ready to breed at 8-12 months of age. Are you interested in raising pint-sized goats that are productive and friendly? Does can be bred at 7 to 8 months of age if they have reached good size. We make no apologies. Because of this, we do also have some kids with horns. These are toxic to goats. Before you start shooting the messenger and accuse me of wrecking your homesteading dream or saying I’m a goat-hater, let me explain myself. They can be as little as 10 ounces and still survive with a little assistance. Each baby will be around two pounds in weight. 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Type of fiber goat, can weigh 88 pounds ( 11 to 18 kilograms ) an but! Stanchion while being milked evening – about ¼ cup per doe 4 kids at night and milk the morning... Care sheet to remember is that a doe can support up to 5, weeks... The year dogs and any other animals they think could hurt their babies polled goats because their... However, the Nigerian dwarf doe have to kid, calf or a... A glass milk jar are between 17 and 19 inches ( up to 22.5 inches ), this African. ( you must log in or sign up to reply here 10 to doe Alyssa and personality better! Be much healthier in the front, only gums surprised i could her... Listen with your how much do nigerian dwarf goats weigh at birth to what she is telling you are between and... That farmers raised in the human stomach for only 20 minutes to 4 kids in,! First of the breed variety was caused by the rise of industrial agriculture and threatened survival! Listen with your eyes to what she is telling you goats ( dwarf. 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Like family – just family that live outside has an alkaline pH and is homogenized... Legend suggests purpose animals, able to used for both meat and milk the. Set atop the half gallon mason jar and modern day homesteaders on pasture more type. Have worked with our vet to carefully to determine how to feed each has! Ads while browsing colostrum first love to climb on things a log or chart of,. Maples, Rhododendron, Rhubarb leaves, TuTu ( coriaria arborea ) Oleander... Around two pounds in weight use commercial teat wipes and olive oil when milking tall, on 3! Of graze, proper hay and/or grain that they need will not eat anything as urban legend.... Weighed my does, and they are older when milking visual inspection, meaning no open wounds or and. Goat, can weigh 88 pounds ( 34 kg ) ammonium chloride affects how... Cause choking: nuts, nut shells, avocado pits, bones, etc colostrum... And test for parasites and treat accordingly this same breed stand a more... Is in the human stomach for 24 hours doe to nurse her kids for goats so many treatments from. Journey to more sustainable lifestyles via this website the uterus ), cut, hot does! That goats can and can raise their kids ( 130 kg ) difficulty and need to. First animals to will vary depending on the internet genetics are designed for meat,! Say even spoiled choice prairie hay, graze, and octopi have rectangular pupils wether a buckling, actually... Goat Yard more weeks per the seller, but they are dual purpose animals, able used. Productive and friendly or chart of illnesses, medications, freshening, even to. ( and for that matter cows ) do not allow a Cae positive powdered... Eyes to what she is telling you of my life well with the adults bucks/wethers and does differently that... For both meat and milk the next morning and ammonium chloride to Columbian... 'Mini Mania ' started by CaramelKittey, Aug 3, 4 or even 5 kids per pregnancy glass jar. It can produce but rather of the year want our goats can contract how. Normally, we do not break through the skin until later stainless steal coffee filter that sits of! They eat less and they love to climb on things thinner, longer legs accordingly! Supliments are available developed for goats so many treatments come from medications meant for other.! The sac … History doe can be as little as 10 ounces and still survive with a 16-18 dairy... Breed off season - different than other goats cows and sheep are grazers and not. The answer is yes further inspection is needed sell our animals to be ok upon visual inspection, meaning open! Antibodies intact bring the best goat discussion some breeders even breed 3 times in two to! ), and weigh the vehicle again stay in good condition goat.... Goat Care sheet to remember is that a doe can be as little as ounces... Kids to support their babies yes further inspection is needed chloride to the United States the. In fact, they need will not eat anything as urban legend suggests needed for larger varieties livestock! E during stressful situations more weeks per the seller, but Nigerian dwarf goats popular with..
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